
See Beyond Your Current Horizon

It’s time to Get unstuck!

 Our brains like to run down the same old, well-worn tracks, which makes it hard for us to get unstuck on our own. That’s why processing with someone else can help us move forward.

Coaching is designed to get you unstuck and moving forward.

How Does It Work?

See Beyond Coaches are certified by the International Coach Federation (ICF) and have, therefore, been evaluated and found to meet ICF’s professional standards.


Reach Out

Fill out our simple form. Let us know you are interested and what type of coaching interests you, so we can match you well with a certified coach.


Check It Out

Experience a risk-free Discovery Session. You won’t just talk about what will happen, you’ll begin to experience coaching and start making some progress.



Move forward with a coaching relationship. Each session you’ll decide what you want to accomplish, and your coach will help you get there.

Coaching Types

What Are You Looking for?

Whether you want to grow as a leader, become a better parent, wrestle with educational issues for your children, adapt to cross-cultural life, get along better with your team, or hundreds of other options, coaching can help you move forward in your thinking, plans, and next steps.


Become a leader others long to follow. We have leadership assessments to give you a holistic view of yourself as a leader. Gain new insight and affirmation as you enhance your leadership.


Acquire new insights and move more effectively toward your life goals. Our holistic, customized approach will help open up new perspectives and insights, creating action steps for change.


Gain new insights about yourself and how to function as you adapt to a new culture. Learn where you are in transition and the difference that is making in your experience.


Learn the skills to coach your own marriage, deepen communication, build intimacy, and navigate conflict. You’ll see your coaches demonstrate skills and you’ll get to practice.


Become a better parent not through advice, but by taking intentional time to process. Discover what is going on inside you that may be impacting your children.


Don’t miss out on essential learning during your transition. Learn, grow, and develop! If processed intentionally, transitions are great springboards for personal growth.

And Guess What? You Don’t Have to Choose Just One! We Can Combine Most Formats to Help You Move Forward in More Than One Area.

We’ve already lost too many teams and individuals to unhealthy conflict. You don’t have to just endure conflict. The best relationships grow through conflict, and we can show you how. We offer more than anecdotal advice and quick tips — those don’t cut it. We offer evidence-based knowledge, skills, and the practice needed to navigate conflict well.

Are you sensing tension and can’t quite identify why? Are you entering a potential conflict? Our Transforming Conflict Coaching can help you untangle the pieces and move forward with or without the cooperation of other parties involved.

Get the training you need in a way that is personalized for your unique situation. But don’t just settle for training; combine it with a coach to facilitate the path from knowledge to skills, through practice, gentle accountability, and non-judgmental companionship on the journey.

Transforming Conflict Coaching

How Much Does it Cost?

Associate Certified Coach (ACC)

ACC coaches have at least 100 hours of coaching experience and have passed the International Coach Federation’s basic level credential.

Non Profit

1 Session - $54

6 Sessions - $312 (save $12)

12 Sessions - $600 (save $48)


1 Session - $81

6 Sessions- $462 (save $24)

12 Sessions - $876 (save $96)

Professional Certified Coach (PCC)

PCC coaches have at least 500 hours of coaching experience and have passed the International Coach Federation’s intermediate level credential.

Non Profit

1 Session - $83

6 Sessions- $480 (save $18)

12 Sessions - $924 (save $72)


1 Session - $125

6 Sessions - $714 (save $36)

12 Sessions - $1350 (save $150)

Master Certified Coach (MCC)

MCC coaches have at least 2500 hours of coaching experience and have passed the International Coach Federation’s advanced level credential.

Non Profit

1 Session - $125

6 Sessions- $708 (save $42)

12 Sessions - $1308 (save $192)


1 Session - $188

6 Sessions - $1056 (save $72)

12 Sessions - $1968 (save $288)

TCK Coaching for Children 18 and under $37/hour

What others are Saying

  • Coaching gave me clarity and a clear path forward. My coach helped me develop self awareness around my unique contribution to my role in my organization.

    —Coaching Client

  • My coaching sessions helped me to focus on the issues that were keeping me from being able to commit to another assignment. During each session, I was able to choose what we talked about and felt listened to.

    —Coaching Client

  • The immediate connection and safety I felt just in the "get to know you" initial call was clear that this was going to be a beneficial tool to help me gain clarity and move forward in a safe place.

    —Coaching Client

  • I was nervous that I was going to be met with strong directional opinion. However, I have been blessed by the humble and surrendered posture of my coach... allowing me to choose the direction of the conversation and making obesrvations in the process that I may have missed otherwise.

    —Coaching Client

  • Coaching helped us to think carefully and prudently about some major decisions we needed to make before leaving the country. It also enabled us to navigate some unexpected hurdles we encountered as part of the leaving process. Most importantly, we believe we did everything within our power and ability to leave well - both externally in our relationships with others and internally with our own thoughts and attitudes.

    —Kim Steinfield

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